Many issues with our equines can stem from missing the three simple foundations of confidence, trust and problem-solving

Having a clear plan prevents over-reaching the horse's comfort zones, avoids injuries or the lost of even more trust.

We can expect to see our horses, donkeys and mules grow into the relaxed, confident trusting partners we want.

Now free online shaping course to ensure you succeed with your shaping plan

Every plan starts with instruction on using the science of behaviour for shaping and how you can also get more support with the free online resource on shaping behaviour. Once you have purchased your eBook I will email you with a link to a free shaping course only available to those people who buy a shaping plan.   There are details of the specific issue or behaviour that the plan covers. Things to watch out for, tips, processes of training, safety and an overview of the specific training plan. Then the shaping plan itself, with its goal and clear steps that you can print off and use to guide your training without missing steps. No plan is set in stone, you add your own steps, and break steps into even smaller steps to make your plan unique for you. Gaining trust, is rightly, the desire of so many equine owners; it leads to greater safety and a happier relationship. However, trust has to be earned and this plan sets out in small safe steps to show you how you can create the trust you need for a safe happy equine. On the ground or in the saddle. Having a clear plan prevents over-reaching the horses comfort zones, avoids injuries or the lost of even more trust. This deliberate detailed plan is the foundation for trust confidence and problem solving. We can expect to see our horses, donkeys and mules grow into the relaxed, confident trusting partners we want. This plan is the foundation work for any equine and if you are starting out on a new equine partnership, no matter the age or experience of the horse, donkey or mule, this plan will guide you carefully to the safe, trusting confident horse you want. Napping, leading issues, spooky, nervous, leading problems, reluctance to load, bolting, reluctance to leave the herd, unpredictable behaviour and so many other problems can be traced back to a lack of confidence in both horse and human. This plan increases the confidence of the handler at the same time as the horse. Working with obstacles in a way that allows the animal to learn how to solve problems with you, rather than be forced to obey. Working with the key principles of  layering and generalisation means that this is the plan that is the gateway to new behaviour, safety and confidence for you both. This plan assumes your equine if comfortable being touched, can lead well. If you want to use it for building confidence for a ridden equine then you might need to complete the shaping plan for long reining too

horse nervously approaching coloured bunting with trainer

Ben Hart

I have a mission to help equine owners have the confidence to follow their own path to fantastic relationships with their equine partners based on the science of behaviour and the art of horsemanship, so humans and equines can reach their potential together safely, ethically and with confidence in each other's abilities.

When you download this eBook you will receive a link to a free online course to ensure your success at shaping behaviour

Benefits of using a shaping plan You can easily monitor your and your equine’s progress as you work towards your clearly defined goal. Increased self-confidence as a trainer through knowing where you are going and what you are doing next. Your relationship improves through increased levels of trust created by being consistent and relaxed. Your safety increases with small steps leading to less risk of accident or injury. More efficient training through clarity and consistency. Your horse, donkey or mule achieves the things you want them to, in a way you can both enjoy.