Course Description

Over the 20 years, while I have been working with equine and human behaviour, I have met so many people who just want a better relationship with their equine. Often, it is not like there is anything really wrong, although sometimes there is, people just feel something is missing, their horse, donkey or mule is just not as happy, content or connected as they would like them to be.  

Often there is a nagging thought that they aren't good enough, or aren't sure what they should be doing to have a better relationship. People want their horse, donkey or mule to be more content, to be more relaxed around them and to feel like they enjoy the company of their human.

Sometimes people tell me something is wrong because they can't do the things they should be able to do like, catch, pick up feet, lead safely or ride out. Other times they can do these things, but they just feel their horse isn't quite as content or connected as they could be.

When people don't seek help, I see their relationship slowly spiral downwards into a fog of misunderstanding, mistrust and resentment. First, the owner starts to listen to all the advice they receive from well-meaning "experts." This advice conflicts with the owners own principles, and they become more confused and frustrated as it becomes impossible to know who to believe. As conflict and confusion are reflected in their body-language their horse, donkey and mule begin to respond to this negativity and inconsistency, and the relationship breaks apart further.

These frustrated, anxious, confused animals change their behaviour and this can result in accidents as owners end up overreaching their animals and push them passed their thresholds. Sometimes the relationship ends up breaking down completely, and the situation continues to spiral downwards.

The truth is, I have seen that people know their equine partners better than anyone else. You know your equine partner better than anyone else. They, like you,  know the right thing to do, they just need permission to do it. Once they can cut themselves some slack and take the pressure off, they can view the situation without all the intense emotions. Then they are ready to develop their own plan, build their confidence.

These four weeks will help you:

Understand your relationship with your equine like never before.

Discover the keys to confidence, communication and connection.

Banish uncertainty and finally find the direction you are looking for.

Learn to feel complete joy when you spend time with your equine partner, no matter what happens.

Find the gaps in your relationship and fix them forever. 

Have the relationship with your horse, donkey or mule that you are dreaming of.

A relationship is not something that can be forced or made it develops from the actions that you take and how you behave. Your horses' behaviour is a reflection of their feeling about the situation. The fact is if you can listen to their message no matter how uncomfortable it is, you should be able to build a better relationship.

My job has been to understand the unique combination of equine and human and to encourage the human to follow their own path to a more connected relationship. I see relationships blossom as people learn to think with their animal's mind.  As they work in a more empathetic way they build trust and confidence and learn to be more consistent. I don't want people to be reliant on me. I want you to become independent, so you can learn how to think rather than teach you what to think.

Even if you lack confidence or vast experience, you can still learn that your problem is not the problem you think it is. You can accept that wherever you are now is an opportunity to build a better relationship. The way you work is the solution to wanting a better relationship. When you stop forcing the issue, stop trying to fix things, you take the pressure off and enjoy the journey more. You end up with a relationship you and your equine are happy to be in.

We will explore the journey, starting with understanding where you are now and where you want to go. Identify how your mindset, language and labels will create your relationship for better or worse. How changing our language will change our relationship.

If you want a better relationship with your equine even if you don't have a specific problem, but just a feeling of something missing. Even if you have an issue that you have been trying to fix for a while, changing your focus to your relationship, should reduce the problem with less effort.

You can explore these topics with like-minded people who are in the same situation and understand what you are going through. You should be able to enjoy your equine time more and feel like they really want to be with you. If you are still stuck, having already tried different things, the fact is the relationship is a reflection of their emotional response to you. By working on understanding your relationship, you can become the person you want to be for your equine.

What's Included?
The live online training sessions spread over 4 weeks to fit around your life, means you can learn at your pace and not be overwhelmed. The live sessions will be recorded so you can view again or catch up if you missed it from anywhere in the world.

You can submit more of your questions, and I will answer them on a recorded weekly video. You can chat with other participants on the live session or in the discussion elements.

I will throw in some extra resources so you can choose what you want to do, and exercise for you, one for your equine and one for both of you. You can do as much or as little as you want. The materials will be downloadable, and the course will stay open for 2 weeks after the last live session.

I will drip the information in a week at a time, so you are not overwhelmed or feel the need to rush ahead.

Week one Tuesday 2nd FEB - Putting your foot on the path of change - knowing where you are going before you even start.

Week two Tuesday 9th FEB - How to take the pressure off and cut yourself and your horse some slack.

Week three Tuesday 16th FEB- How to build trust that will last forever

Week four Tuesday 26th FEB - Tackling problems in a way that enhances your relationship and your equine will love

Because of the situation in the world right now, I am going to wildly under-price this course. It should be hundreds of dollars, pounds or Euros, and in the future, it will be, but right now to help you and your equines it is going to be just £36. You can also spread the cost over two or three months.  I am really pleased to assist equines and their humans, but I feel that there is so much in this course, I am practically giving it away. I feel like I am really undervaluing just how much you are going to get.  

There are only a limited number of places available so we can work together to give you the level of attention you deserve.   

Loretta Wright "The four-week course How to have a better relationship with your horse has been so interesting, thought-provoking, motivational, and fun! Ben brings the science of behaviour but makes it easy to understand and enjoyable.
It is far more in-depth than I thought it would be but still easy to understand. The weekly chats are really sociable. Especially at this time of lock down. I’d recommend it to anyone interested is equine behaviour and how to improve your relationship."

Nicky Mitchell "Thanks Ben I would def recommend it ! Learning so much & opening up my thinking in so many ways ...
All the exercises u give us are very helpful & enjoyable to do !
Such good value for money too !"

Butters Conrad "Thanks Ben!! Mostly definitely would recommend. These sessions have help me understand my donkey, myself, and my relationship with my donkey. Changed the way I approach training. Thank you!"

Claudi Becker "Thank you Ben. Definitely recommend this. Really engaging, empowering and inspiring. Changing held on beliefs about own abilities or lack of and looking at my relationship with my animals in a completely different light. So helpful. Thank you. "

Abbie Kaal "Absolutely 100% recommend this course. It really gets you thinking both about how you perceive situations to be and through the eyes of the horse, it’s also great to listen to others’ experiences which are often very relatable to my relationship with my horse. It’s been so helpful to go through the exercises."

​IAABC Certified Horse Behaviour Consultant, ABTC Registered Accredited Animal Behaviourist Ben Hart

Ben Hart hates injustice and wasted potential, and he has more than 20 years of experience helping people understand the true nature of equines by using the honesty of the science of behaviour to help both animals and their people unlock their true potential. He firmly believes working with equines doesn't have to be complicated, dangerous or stressful and by helping people to understand the true and amazing behaviour of equines, he wants them to better understand each other to make life better for horses, donkeys and Mules. Ben removes the myths and dependence on dominance and forceful training methods and focuses on positive, safe effective solutions that centre on both the animal and the human. Ben's delivery of training is unique, ensuring an outstanding experience that is enjoyable and life-changing. Ben is also the author of several books on equine behaviour and clicker training, as well as the creator of online courses and a unique series of individual equine training plans. He has worked with horses, mules, donkeys and people all over the world: from mustangs and race horses in California, stock horses in Australia, pleasure horses in Canada and Europe, and working equines in Cambodia and Ethiopia, Egypt, Mexico, Kenya.

Course curriculum

    1. How this is going to work

    1. Hello and Welcome to Week One and What to Expect!

    2. What is Important for You to Learn on This Course? 4 questions

    3. Link to the First Live Session

    4. Where Am I Going Exercise Sheets

    5. 50 Elements of Horsemanship - Exercise for Week One

    6. Quality Time Exercise Week 1

    7. Recording from Week One Live Session

    8. Audio Recording Week One

    9. Previous course Question and Answer Audio

    10. Week 1 Q & A Feb 21

    1. Welcome to Week Two!

    2. Link to the 2nd Live Session

    3. 50 Elements of Horsemanship - Belief

    4. Relationship Wheel 1 -Behaviour

    5. Relationship Wheel 2 - Partnership

    6. Blank Relationship Wheel

    7. Quality Time Exercise Week 2

    8. 5 Steps to Enjoying The Journey

    9. Week Two Q&A Audio

    10. Audio Recording of the week 2 live session

    11. Week Two Recording of the Live Session

    12. Question about the clash between written goals and freedom

    1. Welcome to Week Three!

    2. Link to 3rd Live Session

    3. Natural Resources Exercise Week Three

    4. Relationship Wheel 3 - Human Traits


    6. 50 Elements of Horsemanship Exercise Week Three

    7. Quality Time Exercise Week Three

    8. Working With Our Own Behaviour Sheet

    9. Week Three Audio Recording

    10. Week Three Live session recording

    11. Previous Week Three Q & A session Audio Recording Long Reining Link

    1. Welcome to week 4!

    2. Live session Link week four

    3. Summary of the 6 Keys to Working With Equine Behaviour

    4. 50 Elements of Horsemanship Card - Timing

    5. 50 Elements of Horsemanship Card - Positive Thinking

    6. Behaviour Analysis sheet

    7. Quality Time Exercise Week Four

    8. The ABC notes

    9. My Next Five Steps.

    10. Feed Back for This Four Week Coaching Course

    11. Week Four Live recording audio

    12. Week Four Live session Recording

About this course

  • £36.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content

Pricing options

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