Ben Hart hates injustice and wasted potential, and he has a mission to help people understand the true nature of equines by using the honesty of the science of behaviour to help both animals and their people unlock their true potential. He firmly believes working with equines doesn't have to be complicated, dangerous or stressful and by helping people to understand the true and amazing behaviour of equines, he wants them to better understand each other to make life better for horses, donkeys and Mules. Ben removes the myths and dependence on dominance and forceful training methods and focuses on positive, safe effective solutions that centre on both the animal and the human. Ben's delivery of training is unique, ensuring an outstanding experience that is enjoyable and life changing.
Ben is also the author of several books on equine behaviour and clicker training, as well as the creator of a unique series of individual equine training plans. He has worked with horses, mules, donkeys and people all over the world: from mustangs and race horses in California, stock horses in Australia, pleasure horses in Canada and Europe, and working equines in Cambodia and Ethiopia, Egypt, Mexico, Kenya. Like most equine people you probably want to understand more about equine behaviour so you can help your horse, donkey or mule, but you want an individual approach not a one size fits all method, and a trainer who actually "walks the talk", who will help you solve your horse training problems, develop your training skills and help your animal to reach their potential.
Ben uses the practical application of horse and human behaviour to deliver horse training courses, workshops, clinics, home visits and books that are ethical and tailor made to individual training situations. Ben doesn't use horse training methods which are built on personal opinion, ego or showmanship. This isn't natural horsemanship and there are no pressure halters, just practical, proven horsemanship you can learn. Ben bases his horse training on the science of behaviour and on the natural principles of honesty, responsibility and common sense so that his equine training inspires behaviour change, both during training and for years afterwards. Learn more about how I work.
Ben believes in putting the horse, donkey or mule first, and while balancing the needs of domestication, being guided by the principle, "do no harm," a principle which creates an ethical approach to horse training. Ben's courses are practical and fun and designed to educate owners and trainers so they can develop their own skills to transform their relationships with their equines.

By creating a better understanding of the art and science of equine behaviour and its practical application, Ben helps people, horses, donkeys and mules reach their true potential. The science of behaviour allows a truthful understanding of communication and learning both in equine and humans; the art of behaviour develops the feel that allows the practical application of the science. By teaching people, "how to think, rather than what to think," Ben allows people to solve their own horse training problems and develop their own unique equine solutions.