Course Description

How to learn from these videos? 

Although all these videos seem to answer specific questions about behaviour that you might think doesn't apply to you and your horse, by understanding the common approaches to behaviour problems it becomes easier for you to apply the science of behaviour to any problems or challenges you are dealing with or that develop in the future as you work with your equine. 

These videos provide a great opportunity to look at how the science of behaviour and behaviour modification can be applied to different situations that everyday people face with their equines.

They provide a great opportunity to explore how we all can create ethical, sustainable long term solutions to the challenges we face as equine owners.

​IAABC Certified Horse Behaviour Consultant, ABTC Registered Accredited Animal Behaviourist Ben Hart

Ben Hart hates injustice and wasted potential, and he has more than 20 years of experience helping people understand the true nature of equines by using the honesty of the science of behaviour to help both animals and their people unlock their true potential. He firmly believes working with equines doesn't have to be complicated, dangerous or stressful and by helping people to understand the true and amazing behaviour of equines, he wants them to better understand each other to make life better for horses, donkeys and Mules. Ben removes the myths and dependence on dominance and forceful training methods and focuses on positive, safe effective solutions that centre on both the animal and the human. Ben's delivery of training is unique, ensuring an outstanding experience that is enjoyable and life-changing. Ben is also the author of several books on equine behaviour and clicker training, as well as the creator of online courses and a unique series of individual equine training plans. He has worked with horses, mules, donkeys and people all over the world: from mustangs and race horses in California, stock horses in Australia, pleasure horses in Canada and Europe, and working equines in Cambodia and Ethiopia, Egypt, Mexico, Kenya.

Course curriculum

    1. Ask me Anything

    1. How do yo deal with people in conventional yard situations?

    2. What do I do when my horse bites me?

    3. How do I help my horse get over deep emotional scars?

    4. How do I prepare my horse for the dentist?

    1. How do I deal with a nervous horse with feet problems who has had a tough life?

    2. How do I deal with a nervous reactive young horse

    3. What do you do with a horse that panics and pulls?

    4. What to do about a faster horse without resorting to a bigger bit?

    1. What do if my horse backs out the trailer before I can shut the ramp?

    2. How do I stop my horse pulling to grass?

    3. How do I preserve personal space with out frightening the horse?

    4. Why does behaviour fall apart and what to do about it?

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content
  • £59.00

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