Course Description

The Equine Centred Behaviour Community

Do you want to find somewhere that you feel you belong to with people who will put their equine at the centre of their handling and base their approaches on principles, not methods?  If so then you have found where you belong, even if you have been struggling for a while to deal with aspects of the equine world you can breathe a sigh of relief as you settle into a relaxed and supportive community and find the support and encouragement that will help you learn and grow in confidence and ability. 

Rather than a one size fits all tool, this community builds on the science of behaviour to provide natural laws and principles that will guide participants in all their interactions. The Science of behaviour does not offer quick fixes that work short term, it provides sustainable solutions that can be used forever.

By teaching people how to think, not what to think, the Equine Centred Behaviour Community allows each member to permanently increase their own potential. 

This course is at the core of our Equine Centred Behaviour Community,  You will find information on how to access all the elements of the community.  There are videos to explain how everything works and how to use the different elements such as the links to the monthly live sessions, how to access the Facebook GROUP, and where to ask questions.

This is where you will find the monthly learning sessions. Each month new learning sessions will be released to help SUPPORT your learning journey. Each month’s sessions consist of short video training sessions and exercises for you to explore at HOME. 

Each module can be undertaken all at once or spread throughout the month depending on YOUR individual learning style and your INDIVIDUAL lifestyle. You don't have to do everything in order, dip in, mix and match to suit you, and you don't need to catch up.  This whole experience should not FEEL overwhelming.  I want the monthly sessions to fit into busy lives and the community to be there to support you as and when you need it.  I have included some lessons on the foundations of working with the science of behaviour to HELP get you started.

The learning is designed to help you learn to become more CONFIDENT from a solid foundation of the science of behaviour.  This will lead to self-development with the application of Human Behaviour Change (HBC) principles.

The content supports your journey to better equine relationships and allows you to explore a number of different topics.  This will enhance your understanding of equine behaviour while developing your relationship with your equine.  The content is suitable for owners and handlers of horses, donkeys and mules.  This is an equine community NOT a horsemanship community.

Feedback from recent online learning experiences with Ben Hart:

Sally Richards - "Thank you for your time, your care and listening".

Rhonda Stock - "I found this course incredibly helpful.  I absolutely loved the live zoom sessions after I got over my initial nerves as an introvert. There were so many things that made me think."

Kendra Wilson - "First and foremost I'd like to say, the class I'm in right now, How to have a better relationship ... is amazing!  It has forever changed the way my mind works and I'm finally becoming the person I'm meant to be.  I'm getting out of my own way and it shows in my two horses."

Hazel Thorburn - "I just wanted to say thank you for this course.  I had got lost and confused with my horses training and your common sense analytical approach has got me back on track." 

Membership Course Content:

Introduction to course and resources - Key principles of community

Module 1  The True Nature of Equines.

Module 2 - Understanding Equine Senses. How to become a more Equine Centred Trainer (ECT).

Module - The Equine Brain - Memory and Problem Solving.

Module 4 - Correct Communication – Understanding Positive and Negative Reinforcement and Punishment. 

Module  5 - More about operant conditioning, learning and its practical application. 

Module  6 - Successive Approximation -   the Key to great communication. Shaping Behaviour.

Module  7 - Shaping Using and Writing a Shaping Plan.

Module  8  - Stretching Comfort Zones - Why, How and What not to do.

Module  9  Problem Solving, Trust and Confidence - Why trust doesn’t just happen

Module  10 Enjoying the Journey What we know about Success, Grit, Resilience and Improving our Skills

Module  11 Navigating the path to success, how to set yourself up for success and avoid pitfalls

Module 12 - Schedules of reinforcement - What to reinforce and when. Choosing the correct schedule of reinforcement

Module 13 - Introduction to Solving Problems Planning your approach, individual learning styles and foals.

Module 14 Pitfalls of positive reinforcement More about Positive Reinforcement it's Application, Use and the Pitfalls to Avoid.

Module 15 From Domestication to start buttons and leadership. What is new and how to think about new ideas

Module 16 - Ethics - What is ethical? How to choose your own ethical approach and pick an ethical trainer

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.  I have only just joined do I have to catch up with all the content?

No, you can start where you want and do what appeals to you, fill in the gaps as you go and there is no pressure to have completed everything.

2.  I have a behaviour issue with my equine can we work on that?

YES - All the elements of this community combine to support each other.  While we might be exploring monthly topics on applying the science of behaviour, which will all help with behaviour issues, the discussion group, Facebook group and live sessions will also support you if you are currently having a problem that you need help with.

3.  I don’t have a behaviour issue with my equine is it worth me joining?

YES - This community is about learning to apply the concept of 'behaviour in everything', environment, enrichment, feeding, farrier, riding and tack. You don’t have to have a behaviour issue with your equine to benefit from being a member.  You don’t even have to have your own equine.  If you have or want an Equine Centred approach and want to find like-minded people to interact with and learn alongside, you will find all this too.

4.  I have been working with equines for a while and feel happy with my current equine relationships is it worth me joining? 

YES - If you are more experienced with behaviour and have been on a path to a more Equine Centred relationship for a while the community will help you to explore more complicated questions and challenges that you may face as you develop your authentic voice to help others.

5.  I have already attended a course with you and have read your literature so will I learn anything new?

YES - If you mean will there be any new content, then yes there will. I will be covering the topics in much more detail than before. The questions created by the community are available for everyone to view and learn from each other experiences.   Some of the content was filmed at a one-off clinic.  The live sessions are always unique and questions from others create unparalleled learning opportunities.  In addition, there will be opportunities to learn from some other experienced equine experts who will join us, as special guests, to impart their vast knowledge of equine dentistry, saddle fitting, behaviour, hoof care and communication to name but a few.

6.  I don't live in the UK can I still join?

YES - the beauty of using technology in this way is that wherever you are in the world if you have access to a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone then you can enjoy all the benefits of the community.  If the timing of the live sessions is inconvenient, due to differing time zones, don't worry as they are recorded so you won't miss a thing and you can still ask all your questions for the Q & A sessions.

The first month is absolutely FREE to give you the opportunity to find out how it all works. You can help shape the community by feeding back to me what you like, what you want more of, or even what’s missing?  You can be part of creating something for everyone to benefit from humans and equines alike.

Sign up NOW and experience your first month for FREE as we prepare to start our journey together.

Best Wishes

Ben Hart

​IAABC Certified Horse Behaviour Consultant, ABTC Registered Accredited Animal Behaviourist Ben Hart

Ben Hart hates injustice and wasted potential, and he has more than 20 years of experience helping people understand the true nature of equines by using the honesty of the science of behaviour to help both animals and their people unlock their true potential. He firmly believes working with equines doesn't have to be complicated, dangerous or stressful and by helping people to understand the true and amazing behaviour of equines, he wants them to better understand each other to make life better for horses, donkeys and Mules. Ben removes the myths and dependence on dominance and forceful training methods and focuses on positive, safe effective solutions that centre on both the animal and the human. Ben's delivery of training is unique, ensuring an outstanding experience that is enjoyable and life-changing. Ben is also the author of several books on equine behaviour and clicker training, as well as the creator of online courses and a unique series of individual equine training plans. He has worked with horses, mules, donkeys and people all over the world: from mustangs and race horses in California, stock horses in Australia, pleasure horses in Canada and Europe, and working equines in Cambodia and Ethiopia, Egypt, Mexico, Kenya.

Monthly content so far

    1. Welcome to your community

    2. Things you can do to get started

    3. One Page Guide to Finding Everything on the Community

    4. Community Page Link - Questions for Ben

    5. Lesson Discussions Buttons

    6. Facebook Group Information

    7. How to use Zoom for our Live Coaching Sessions

    8. What can you expect in a typical month

    9. Course Content and Multi-level Learning

    10. Summary of the Four Agreements

    11. Free Course Content

    12. Recording of the 1st community live session

    13. Leaving the Membership

    1. Making it Individual, its Your Plan After All

    2. How To Trust Your Self

    3. Trusting Their True Nature

    4. Audio lesson - Hard to Catch question from Rhonda on the discussion pages

    1. Welcome to the First Month, The True Nature of Equines

    2. First Exercise

    3. Why Just Six Steps Course Introduction

    4. First Two Questions Exercise

    5. Class Questions

    6. How do these 6 Keys Show Up in Our Equine relationships?

    7. Pain

    8. Perception and Framing

    9. True Nature Part 1

    10. True Nature Part 2

    11. True Nature Part 3

    12. Trusting Their True Nature

    13. End of Module Survey

    14. October Live session Recording Learning styles

    15. Audio recording of live October session

    1. Content - Senses

    2. Introduction to Senses and Month Two Learning

    3. How Evolution Determines How Senses Work

    4. Eyesight - Donkeys are Different

    5. Eyesight Two - Binocular vision

    6. Eyesight Three - Visual Streak

    7. Eyesight Four - Light and Dark

    8. Smell

    9. Hearing

    10. Touch

    11. Taste

    12. Conclusion and Activities

    13. Introduction to Self Acceptance Face Book Theme

    14. Self Acceptance Part One

    15. Self Acceptance Part Two

    16. Fully Accepting our Equines

    17. Accepting Other People

    18. Live session Video Recording of Month Two

    19. Live Session Recording Audio Only Month Two

    1. Content - Equine Learning

    2. Equine Learning Introduction

    3. Worksheet for Month Three - The Equine Brain

    4. Intro to the Work Book

    5. What is learning

    6. Intelligence

    7. Intelligence Part Two

    8. What is Cognition

    9. The Difference between Horses, Donkeys and Mules

    10. Types of learning

    11. True Nature Effecting Ability and Tests

    12. Maze tests

    13. Discrimination

    14. Long term memory

    15. Short term memory

    16. Learning to learn

    17. Foals and What They Tell US

    18. How Many Trials to Learn a New Task

    19. Insightful problem solving - Can They DO This?

    20. Observational learning - Can They Do This?

    21. Summary - So What Have We Learned and How Do we Apply it?

    22. Conclusion Brain

    23. Eqine Learning Summary Refence Paper

    24. Some References if you are interested

    25. Live Session Audio Only December 2020

    26. Recording of Live Session December 2020

    1. Welcome To - Key Number Two - Communication

    2. Exercise - A Vision of your relationship

    3. Questions - Learning difficulties, Autism, Kindness

    4. Handouts - Punishment, Negative and Positive reinforcement

    5. Communication - Punishment

    6. Communication - Negative Reinforcement

    7. Communication - Positive reinforcement

    8. Communication - Practical assessment

    9. What else would you like to learn about Reinforcement and Punishment

    10. Live Session Recording Jan 21

    11. Audio Only Jan Live session Recording

About this course

  • Free
  • 725 lessons
  • 127.5 hours of video content


5 star rating

Loving the course

Cindy Davis

I have sent a link to the course to a bunch of veterinary students and recently graduated veterinarians. I wish it could be required for all veterinary prof...

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I have sent a link to the course to a bunch of veterinary students and recently graduated veterinarians. I wish it could be required for all veterinary professionals, and students especially. Even if the only thing they walked away from the course with is a greater understanding of equine senses, they would be way ahead of the game. Looking forward to the rest of the course!

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5 star rating

equine learning

Kristine Letson

YES! This was so good to learn from, review, reinforce. Thank you Ben.

YES! This was so good to learn from, review, reinforce. Thank you Ben.

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