Course Description

Do you want to enjoy your horse time more, free from the worry and blame you feel from a loss of confidence? Do you want that amazing feeling of being relaxed and calm around your equines? Having that glow of confidence which means you can enjoy your equine partnerships without the constant feeling of “what if this happens” is such liberating sense of achievement. It feels amazing just to be with your equine without that nagging negative little voice in the back of your mind telling you that you can’t do something. Imagine being free of the guilty feeling because you think should be doing more with your equine.  

Some trainers and experts will tell you “you just need to be more confident.” Like you didn’t know that already. But, how do you become more confident? That’s the question I will answer for you in this course, letting you build your personal escape plan, so you are free to be with your equines in any way you choose.

Is all this really possible? Totally! no matter how long you have been lacking confidence or why you lost it in the first place. I have seen many people start from fear and lost confidence and go on to transform their relationships with themselves and their equines. It is time to release these negative feelings by learning how to free your unhelpful thoughts and create a plan to build trust between you and your equine.

Hi Ben, last night I completed the My Story exercise, and I wanted to let you know what a profound healing exercise that was for me. The most inciteful question was the one about what advice I would give a friend who came to me with that story. I realised that I already know the answers, strategies and support I can give myself to move on from this story. I now have a deep sense of peace and healing, and know that I have stopped running this story, and can move on. So, thank you xxo” Catherine Arndell

I have spent 20 years working with horses, donkeys and mules and their people. Using the science of behaviour to help people, just like you, free themselves from worry and self-doubt by creating trust and confidence. You will experience a simple logical and horse centred approach to horsemanship that doesn’t use force or expensive equipment. This course focuses on long term sustainable change that you can achieve for yourself even if you have lacked confidence for years. Let me start you on a new path to creating the relationship you always wanted.

Being around equine was supposed to be fun, it is supposed to be relaxing and I firmly believe it should be after all if it’s not, what is the point. In this course, you will be able to explore your own individual story and develop your path to success without fear of judgement or criticism. I am here to help guide and facilitate your learning all you need to do if actually do the course and you will see the changes you want.

In the course these are some of the areas I will cover

  • How to move on and make a fresh start in your equine journey.
  • It is not confidence you lack, this one thing will set you free.
  • How to stop blaming yourself and take the pressure off, and smile more.
  • Why is so important to accept a lack of confidence as a positive experience
  • How to change your mind, and emotions forever.
  • Understanding trust - how we lose it, how we get it back and how to keep it.
  • Developing the path to trust - creating and working your plan.
  • Dealing with “helpful others” in a confident way
  • Understanding the two keys to success and using them
  • Building your support network and getting started!

You will leave the course with more confidence and enjoyment of your equine relationships. You will have a clear understanding of how to build your confidence, and a renewed enthusiasm to change the way you feel, even if you have tried and failed in the past to become more confident.

 “If you can stop thinking too much, tame the little voice and still the negative self-talk, you will start to feel the truth. The feeling that you can do it, that is the feeling you have just before your thoughts tell you to stop being so silly and give up. Still your thoughts again and you will feel the relationship you "know" you can have with your equine, the future you can have and deserve. You feel the glow of possibility and the sense of unlimited power to decide your own destiny and belief that you are good enough.”

"Ellis Tina. Thank you too Ben, had a great day, very uplifting and inspiring, its good to know you are not alone in your confidence battle and there are people who understand!! I will try and put into practice what I've learnt today and will be taking one comfortable step at a time and trust my instincts😁 look forward to the next session, thank you Ben"

"Lotte Lewis. Feeling inspired! Started my shaping plan tonight. A very simple basic step in some bodies eyes but was outcome was positive and successful. Thank you Ben....I'm believing in this partnership again."

"Jenny Bissex-Carter. Ben. Thank you once again for yet another inspiring session. I shall be back for more :-D"

"Liz Caddis You are so inspiring Ben. Thank you for such an interesting and helpful day. When I got back home I went to see my horse and gave him hugs and carrots and told him I now had a plan for helping him overcome his fears of hacking out alone, although I'd have to write it out first 😜"

I do get it, you have lost your confidence or just got a few trust issues, you are interested in this course, but you are asking “can I really overcome the fear of what if something happens”, perhaps you are thinking what if I take the course and then it doesn’t help, then I am doomed forever, what if I don't have time, what if I feel really uncomfortable?

It is normal and natural to have these thoughts after all you have probably been wrestling with this problem for a while and tried some different stuff. That’s the problem with losing confidence, we start to doubt our own abilities and our thinking starts to spiral negatively. I am however not going to ask you to do anything, you will choose your own steps, your own speed and always I will strive to ensure you never need to take risks!

I can’t promise you will go away with all the confidence you desire, everyone is a work in progress. I can promise you will have an understanding of how to overcome the thoughts that are sabotaging your success. You will have a clear vision of where you want to go and have a plan on how to get there. You will feel more empowered, supported and more confident. I will be here afterwards to support you should you need it, but most people hardly need any more support because they have learnt to become self-reliant.

This online course contains all the content of the Total Confidence Express Training day I run. The course runs live without any horses to ensure no one feels any pressure so in the online version nothing is lost, but I will add in some practical video to increase understanding.  This course has all my experience and humour, keynotes, the exercises of self-discovery, the support to develop your own plan and through the discussion forum I will be able to directly answer your questions

Why is it an express course well I suggest you treat it like an actual days clinic, book yourself out of all your other commitments for the day, as you would if you were travelling to a venue and follow the whole course in one day to really give yourself a great foundation to change your confidence forever. If you want you can do it a little bit at a time each evening/day.

​IAABC Certified Horse Behaviour Consultant, ABTC Registered Accredited Animal Behaviourist Ben Hart

Ben Hart hates injustice and wasted potential, and he has more than 20 years of experience helping people understand the true nature of equines by using the honesty of the science of behaviour to help both animals and their people unlock their true potential. He firmly believes working with equines doesn't have to be complicated, dangerous or stressful and by helping people to understand the true and amazing behaviour of equines, he wants them to better understand each other to make life better for horses, donkeys and Mules. Ben removes the myths and dependence on dominance and forceful training methods and focuses on positive, safe effective solutions that centre on both the animal and the human. Ben's delivery of training is unique, ensuring an outstanding experience that is enjoyable and life-changing. Ben is also the author of several books on equine behaviour and clicker training, as well as the creator of online courses and a unique series of individual equine training plans. He has worked with horses, mules, donkeys and people all over the world: from mustangs and race horses in California, stock horses in Australia, pleasure horses in Canada and Europe, and working equines in Cambodia and Ethiopia, Egypt, Mexico, Kenya.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and Opening instructions

    2. Welcome To This Course

    3. Workbook word version download first

    4. Can I really Make this Change

    5. What is Confidence

    6. Confidence Zone Exercise

    7. labeled Confidence Zones PDF

    8. Values and Beliefs

    9. Whats Your Story

    10. Making Friends With a Lack of Confidence

    11. Talking About Fear

    12. Changing Beliefs

    13. Creating New Beliefs

    14. Thinking V Feeling

    15. Trust v Confidence

    16. Dealing With Others

    17. 90 Seconds to more self compassion

    18. 90 seconds to more compassion(Audio)

    19. Three steps to more self-compassion pdf version

    20. Self Talk

    21. Mindset

    22. Mindfulness

    23. mindfulness of breath (Audio)

    24. Exercise for Intuition

    25. Courage Exercise PDF

    26. Types of Motivation

    27. Confidence Facebook Live

    28. Four Positions Exercise

    29. 60 Second Answer on Confidence for My Horse

    30. Getting It Done WithYour Equine

    31. Working with Obstacles

    32. Go Small

    33. Get it Done Summary

    34. Final Course Summary

    35. Practising Our Relationship

About this course

  • £76.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content


5 star rating


Jane McPeters

I started on a path of learning 3 years ago when I recognized that I was insane according to the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over a...

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I started on a path of learning 3 years ago when I recognized that I was insane according to the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. My riding was not improving. I had a spooky unreliable Morgan gelding and a Shire/TB cross gelding with endless lameness issues that were not going away. I read some inexplicable mumble from some "experts" about riding and horse anatomy. I decided that I would learn equine anatomy and took an online course so I could understand what these experts were saying. The anatomy course had a link to I discovered Ben Hart. I started to play with clicker training and treats like Ben. My horses started getting better. My Morgan became less spooky and more reliable (he has a long way to go). I also worked a great deal on my riding and fitness and my horses' frame. I still struggle with fear of riding out. I realize now that much of my fear is self inflicted and the rest is self preservation (my Morgan is highly unpredictable). I love this course. It has given direction for work on myself and with my horses. It gave me permission to stop and listen to my Shire/TB cross and get to the bottom of his issues - PAIN from lumbar kissing spine (which is probably why he has gotten so bad out on the galloping path - pain). I need to develop more trust with my animals. I need a written plan. I have a set of goals now. I feel empowered by my fear and will continue to listen to it as I move forward. I feel confident I will succeed.

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5 star rating

Supportive Guide to a New You.

Magdalena Ui Threasaigh

I did this course over a weekend as if I was at a Clinic.I prepared by printing out the workbook ahead so I had it with me to do the exercises alongside taki...

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I did this course over a weekend as if I was at a Clinic.I prepared by printing out the workbook ahead so I had it with me to do the exercises alongside taking some breaks when I felt like it.this did not interfere as it was easy to get back to it.after the course I felt like all my worrys and insecuritys had been gently removed and instead my joy and enthusiasm were back in place.I went out today as a new person.calm and confident in the knowledge I can go forward enjoying every aspect of the jeourney with my addition I can review any part of the course again making it a tool that I will keep for good. Doing thec course is just the first step.t is the tool I needed to practise what I enjoy most.being a beneficial part of my Equines life.Thank you Ben.

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5 star rating

Catherine Arndell

Ben this course is excellent. It contained so much information and the way you arranged it in separate short videos made it possible to take in medium chunk...

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Ben this course is excellent. It contained so much information and the way you arranged it in separate short videos made it possible to take in medium chunks of information, process that, and then come back for more. The workbook to go with the course is a great idea, it was helpful to do each exercise as I went through the course, and I took lots of notes on the blank back pages so now I have notes and my own written exercises all in the one place. I now have a range of strategies to use to overcome my fear, to build my trust in my ability to predict my horse, and strategies to help me become a better horsewoman so that my horse can predict my behaviour and so develops trust in me. I am going to place a laminated sheet of my Principles in my tack room as a reminder each day of how I choose to be with my horse. And I have developed a plan to incorporate the other strategies into my day and into my horse training. Thank you for a wonderful course. I highly recommend it to anyone who has a horse.

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  • £59.00

    Overcoming Fear and Anxiety in your Horse by Building Trust, Confidence and Problem Solving

    This course is the perfect complement to your confidence course, it will give you all the support to build your horse's confidence alongside your own. It also includes the shaping plan for Trust, problem-solving and confidence.
    Buy Now